There are lots of reasons why owning a cat is a great idea. They are comforting and relatively independent. However, owning a cat also requires a lot of work on your part. The following article will teach you everything you need to know about proper cat care. Read on and learn.
If you have outdoor cats, be sure to discourage pests such as coyotes, possums and raccoons by bringing cat food indoors at night. Feed your cats first thing in the morning, and make sure there is no food left at nightfall. This will keep your cats safe from attack and illness.
Cats love to play so make sure that you provide them with lots of toys. Cats enjoy batting around a fake mouse or little ball around the room. Some cats even develop a favorite toy. Playing with your cat is not only fun, it helps them to get exercise too.
Be careful when treating your cat for fleas. Be sure to consult with your vet before using natural alternatives to control your cat’s fleas. Cats are very sensitive to essential oils and many herbs. Your vet will probably recommend you use a prescription flea treatment, which is usually best for cats.
Keeping your cat off of the counter can be difficult. They love being above everything so that they can watch it all. Therefore, you should create high areas for resting. For example, give them a cat tower nearby.
Don’t allow your cat to get bored too often. Although you may believe that cats just lie around, this isn’t the case. They need their exercise. Too many cat owners forget this simple fact. Bored cats can suffer from depression, extreme compulsive disorders, and other harmful issues that can negatively impact their overall health and well-being. Make sure you give them lots of toys and room to play. An indoor cat needs a good scratching post.
If your cat takes all the ornaments off the Christmas tree, don’t fight it. Begin collecting attractive cat toys and unbreakable ornaments to decorate the tree next year. Be sure not to decorate with potentially dangerous items like tinsel and garlands. Tinsel is a choking hazard for cats and garlands can cause strangulation.
If your cat is overweight, there are two things you need to do. First, you have to adjust the amount of food you give them, and the other is that you need to get them exercising. Get them cat toys, or play with them yourself, to make sure they are getting the activity they need to slim down.
Consider getting your cat a scratching post. Scratching is something that comes extremely easy to cats; it is part of their nature. Don’t force your cat to play with it. Rather, interest him in it by spraying catnip spray on it, or by dangling a string from the top. Soon he’ll get the idea that it’s there for a reason!
There’s always a chance that you cat can slip outside your home and become lost. This can be prevented with a breakaway collar. The collar includes an ID, featuring your name, phone number, and address. If the cat is found, anyone can easily contact you and return the cat to you thanks to the information on the collar.
Do not try to bathe a kitten that is less than four weeks old. It is not very easy for a young kitten to regulate the temperature of their body. This may result in the kitten getting a chill. To be on the safe side you should wait between 12 and 16 weeks after they are born to bathe them for the first time.
If you are adding a kitten to a household that already contains a dog, it is important to socialize the kitten to the dog at an early age. At first, constant supervision is essential. Let the kitten and dog spend time together while you hold the kitten, letting them explore and get used to each other’s smells. When socialized early, cats and dogs can live happily and peacefully together.
Put a breakaway collar on a cat with an engraved tag. Even if your cat lives in the house, he could always get out. If this happens, ensure there’s a way they can find home again.
Don’t use chemicals near your cat that have phenol. Lysol and Pine-Sol are two examples of products that contain this chemical. Cats hate the smell of phenol, and for good reason. Long term exposure to it can cause cats to have live issues.
Buy a fountain for your cat. Cats have a tendency to not drink enough water. This can leave them dehydrated. They often prefer running water to water sitting out in a bowl. If you suspect your kitty isn’t drinking enough, consider investing in a cat fountain to avoid health problems.
If you are bringing a new kitten into a home with one or more cats, purchase an extra litter box so that your other cats do not have to share right away. It may take some time for your established cats to become used to the new scent in the house.
If your cat could stand to lose a few pounds, choose foods that help the animal to feel full. If the cat acts like it is hungry all the time, you will be tempted to feed (and overfeed) it. Look for cat foods that contain higher amounts of protein and fiber. This also promotes a healthy digestive system, which contributes to weight loss.
As was mentioned earlier in this article, there are many benefits to owning a cat. However, every cat owner should understand what it takes to take care of your feline friend. Be sure and use the advice given above and both you and your cat are sure to live happily together for years to come.