As wonderful and delightful as pet cats are, caring for them is definitely not easy. As a responsible pet owner, it is important that you take the time needed to educate yourself on all that there is to know about caring for a cat. This article contains cat care advice to help you be the best cat owner you can be.
Cats really enjoy squeezing into any and all small spaces. If they’ve got a collar on, this may put them in danger as it can get stuck. A breakaway style collar will literally “break away” if pulled too tight. This will allow your cat to live another day if it gets tangled up.
Cats love to play so make sure that you provide them with lots of toys. Cats enjoy batting around a fake mouse or little ball around the room. Some cats even develop a favorite toy. Playing with your cat is not only fun, it helps them to get exercise too.
If your cat is female, you need to get it spayed at the proper age. You may believe that this is unnecessary if your cat stays inside all the time; however, cats almost always find a way to get outside, especially when they are in heat. When this occurs, your cat could get pregnant. Unless you want the hassle of getting rid of kittens, spaying is the best option for your cat.
Take your cat to the vet regularly to make sure they remain in good health. Your cat should have a health check yearly, but should go in more if your cat needs shots. Make vet appointments immediately if your cat has a medical condition or has become injured.
To keep your cat happy and healthy, its important to schedule regular visits to the vet. Not only are regular checkups good for catching problems early, but regular visits can insure that your cat keeps up to date on its vaccinations. If you don’t know when the last time your cat had its shots, schedule an appointment for booster shots as soon as possible.
Keep an eye on early warning signs of health issues in cats. Cats usually display warning signs if they are struggling with health issues. Some common signs to look out for include eating habit changes, sleeping habit changes, not being able to groom properly, changes in eating habits, changes in sleeping habits, depression, sneezing, increased thirst, watery eyes, changes in behavior, hiding, and vomiting. If they display these symptoms, take them to a vet right away. The sooner you take, them the better.
Being nocturnal is quite normal for cats. It is likely that they will want to play while you are sleeping. Close your bedroom door if your cat is driving you nuts at night. This way, they can’t disturb you while you sleep.
If your cat constantly meows, you need to try to figure out why. As you develop a relationship with your cat over time, it will become easier to determine why she is meowing. They may want outside or may be hungry. Watch their cues to learn more about them.
It is important to make sure that your cat always has fresh water available. You should refill your cats water dish everyday with clean water. There are drinking fountains that provide your cat with a constant stream of fresh water, so you do not have to worry about changing it as often.
Understand that your cat is easily influenced by its surroundings. Cats have superior memories and will usually retain training for a lifetime. Conversely, they also retain frightening experiences and it takes them a long time to get over their fears. Be encouraging with your cat and avoid situations that scare them.
If you’ve just met a cat, don’t look at them in their eyes. Cats do not like being stared at by people they don’t know. That’s why they are more comfortable if you are not looking at them. They are more likely to approach you that way, and more likely to kindly regard you in the future.
Most cats are prone to wax build up and ear mites. You can purchase a solution at the pet store that will clean out your cats ears. You put a couple drops in each of your cats ears and then hold them closed while massaging them for a minute. When you let go, stand back or you will get covered in the liquid when your cat shakes its head.
Relocating the litter box can often help curb a problem with cats that refuse to use it. Whenever a cat is using the restroom, it feels vulnerable; therefore, the litter box needs to be kept in a safe and quiet location. Low-traffic areas like basements and laundry rooms are great places to put the litter box.
If your cat has been scratching things that they should not have, do not think of declawing them as a good way to deal with the issue. While this surgical procedure would stop them from causing any more damage, it is a very painful procedure and it is pretty difficult to recover from.
Cats have shockingly sharp noses, which means they can spot changes in their home with ease. This may cause issues if they have a new bed, scratching post, or food dish. Don’t get frustrated if they don’t like these items right away. As the item becomes a part of your home’s natural smell, your cat will become more comfortable with it.
Although cats make amazing pets, it is crucial that they are cared for in a proper manner. Utilize all of the cat care tips and advice you have learned from this article to ensure that your kitty stays healthy and enjoys a wonderful, fulfilling life. He or she will definitely appreciate it.