Owning a cat may seem like an easy job. After all, they are notorious for being independent. However, if you are a first time cat owner, there are lots of things you need to know. The following article is full of helpful tips and tricks that ensures you and your cat live happily together.
Keep your older cat comfortable by placing a heated tile underneath its bed. Just get a tile and heat it up in the oven for a while to place under the cat’s bed. Keep the temperature of the oven at 200 degrees. Then, wrap this up into a towel and place it underneath your cat’s bed. If you want, change it now and then so the warmth continues.
Be careful when treating your cat for fleas. Be sure to consult with your vet before using natural alternatives to control your cat’s fleas. Cats are very sensitive to essential oils and many herbs. Your vet will probably recommend you use a prescription flea treatment, which is usually best for cats.
Do not allow your cat to get an electrical shock. Spray them with bitter apple, and they will stay away. If that doesn’t work, cover those cords up however you can. You can bundle loose cords together and place them inside paper towel rolls. Electronic items with thin, tempting cords should always be put away when not in use.
Give your cats easier access to a window in order to keep your curtains from getting scratched. Putting vertical blinds up will allow the easiest access for your cat, but if you need to keep your curtains, use a lightweight rod that will fall if your cat attempts to climb the curtains. It will keep both your curtains and your cat safe.
Make sure your cat is not too bored. Although you may believe that cats just lie around, this isn’t the case. They need their exercise. Unfortunately, lots of people who own cats neglect this. Cats that are bored may develop obsessive compulsive disorders, depression, or other issues that can harm their health. Give them exercise space and a lot of toys. You need to provide your cats with something they can climb and scratch.
It’s often cheaper to buy medicine for your cat on the Internet instead of through your vet. Sometimes you might not have time to wait for an online order to arrive however, such as if your cat needs an immediate antibiotic or emergency treatment. If you regularly need to buy pet medication, you can get a savings of up to 50 percent online.
If you give your kids a kitten, provide them with firm boundaries at the same time. Make sure everyone understands which parts of the house the cat is not allowed in. They should know that indoor cats can’t go outside. Setting rules in advances ensures understanding.
There’s always a chance that you cat can slip outside your home and become lost. This can be prevented with a breakaway collar. The collar includes an ID, featuring your name, phone number, and address. If the cat is found, anyone can easily contact you and return the cat to you thanks to the information on the collar.
If you want a cat that is well-behaved and not prone to biting and scratching, make sure that you do not try to adopt one when it is too young. It takes 12-16 weeks for a kitten to learn proper cat behavior from their mom and all of their siblings.
Speak to others about your cat problems. It can really help to get advice from fellow cat owners. There are many online forums that discuss cats. Most vets will also be happy to help you with some advice.
The chances are good that your cat will come running for their favorite treat. There are many different recipes out there specifically for homemade cat treats. This is a fun way to spoil your cat. There is also the benefit of knowing what exactly your cat is consuming, to ensure that it is healthy for them.
When you introduce a new cat into your home, you have to be careful with how your other cat reacts. Try giving the new cat a little space in one room at first, and then introduce him to the rest of the house. Make sure to have different litter boxes at first too. If you ease the new cat in, it will go more smoothly for everyone.
Sometime a second cat will calm a single destructive cat. This seems counter-intuitive, asking for twice the destruction, but a second cat can give them both something to do. Introduce them slowly and expect some initial squabbles. After a while, though, the cats will usually get along and the destructive behavior will subside.
While there is nothing wrong with using clumping cat litter for older felines, you should stick with sandy litter when dealing with kittens. The clumping litters are usually treated with all types of chemicals that may nto be safe for smaller cats. Once they are older, you should be able to make the switch with no issue.
As was mentioned earlier in this article, being a cat owner is a lot more work than you might have believed. Be sure and use the information provided if you are considering getting a cat. The advice will benefit both you and your new feline friend for years to come.